Once you have uploaded a virtual to Panoview.com.au you can access it directly via http://subdomain.panoview.com.au (where subdomain is the subdomain that has been setuo specifically for your virtual tour) and can simply link to this from your website to display a full screen view, but you may also like to embed the virtual tour into your website so it can be viewed as a part of your webpage .
This page provides simple instructions on how to use an iframe to embed the virtual tour into your website :
Integrating the tour into your website with iframe
Now that you have the working URL to your tour, you have to integrate it into your website.
The recommended integration is by using an iFrame, so you would use this code and place it on your webpage:
<iframe src="http://subdomain.panoview.com.au" width="800" height="500" allowFullScreen></iframe>
where “subdomain” is the subdomain that has been setup to access your vortual tour, “800” is the desired width and “500” is the desired height of the embedded tour (these can be modified as needed).
For example – see below :