UWVirtual (Underwater Virtual Tours) specialise in 360° Interactive Virtual Tours that are (surprise surprise) Underwater….
Our Underwater Virtual Tours are used primarily by Tourist Operators and the dive industry to showcase dive locations and scuba diving and snorkeling services to potential divers – by giving them a real “taste” of the dive experience.

We have been creating traditional Virtual Tours (including Google Virtual Tours and Customised Standalone Virtual Tours) for many years… but are now focusing on the Underwater space.
Our Underwater Virtual Tours are a fantastic way for divers to pre-visit and pre-plan their dive and get a real sense of what a dive location is really like – what are the landmarks, where the most interesting spots are, and how to actually navigate to the areas they’d like to explore.
For Non-divers an Underwater Virtual Tour allows them to experience the underwater world and get a taste of what it is really like.
The terms Panoramas or Photospheres are used to describe individual photos that allow you to view much more than you would from a normal photo. Panoramic photos are either taken with wide angle lenses or a use a series of photos “stitched” together to form a wider angle view.
360 degree panoramic photos allow you to look all around and typically require a special tool or viewer to view properly.
Virtual Tours consists of a number of interconnected Photospheres which allow you to navigate though a particular location.
and Underwater Virtual Tours are simply Virtual Tours in an Underwater environment.